
Christina Ewings, LCSW Social and Emotional Supervisor and Consultant

Christina Ewings is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, she holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Social Work with an emphasis on family practice. Her coursework included early intervention, family centered practice, and psychopathology and assessment. She has worked with families in a variety of settings including in their homes, schools, hospitals, and in the community. Her passion is working with families to help them have happy, healthy and thriving relationships with their children.

Her experience has focused on attachment, healing, safety, daily living, navigating parenthood, and understanding trauma. Other areas include healthy relationships, addressing parental stress, parental mental health, behavior and appropriate interventions, medical trauma, child development, behavior, sleep, routines, transitions, and grief and loss.

Christina has extensive training in trauma informed care, looking at the experiences and addressing the underling roots and cause of children’s behavior.  She enjoys fostering the healing process and supporting children in having security and safety in the context of relationship while supporting the family system and helping families find a balance of meeting their needs and their children’s needs

Christina has provided clinical and reflective supervision for over 10 years. She started supervising in a position in the child welfare system. She has been supervising therapist in early intervention since 2019.